15 May 2024

Akaroa Marine Reserve

This year marks 10 years of the Akaroa Marine Reserve

On the 8th of June 2014, Akaroa Marine Reserve was established and is New Zealand’s newest marine reserve. After 20 years of fighting for the cause, this was achieved by the wonderful Akaroa Marine Protection Society, which included the founders of Akaroa Dolphins, Hugh & Pip Waghorn, who realised the need for greater protection of the marine environment and to ensure the future health of Akaroa harbour. This organisation in New Zealand also aims to educate the community about the need for marine conservation.


Marine protected areas mean all marine life is protected and that fishing and any removal of living or non-living marine resources is prohibited. Marine research has shown that hundreds of species benefit from habitat protection, including our endangered Hector’s dolphins and fish population. We believe that providing the support our naturally beautiful harbour deserves, it will remove the biggest threats to our marine life, subsequently encouraging a boost to the future breeding of all species that call the harbour home.


For more information visit:


Department of Conservation ~ Akaroa Marine Reserve

Stuff ~ Newest Marine Reserve Opens At Akaroa

Wikipedia ~ Akaroa Marine Reserve

YouTube ~ DOC fighting to end poaching in Akaroa Marine Reserve

The Press ~ Akaroa Marine Reserve turns 10 as stalemate for further marine protection continues



For a letter of acknowledgement to the contribution of the Akaroa Marine Reserve CLICK HERE

Written by Sophie Wadley