20 May 2023

Meet the Waghorn's

Akaroa Dolphins was founded in 2004 by Hugh and Pip Waghorn. With daughter Julia and son George joining the family business in 2015. The team today consists of 11 dolphin and boating enthusiasts, as well as four dolphin-spotting dogs, who cannot wait to meet you and show you the beauty of Akaroa harbour!


Pip Waghorn

Founding owner, and everybody’s “Mum” 

Pip Waghorn with 'Into the Blue' catamaran in the background.
Pip is a direct descendant from the first French ship that settled in Akaroa in 1838. She has lived her whole life on the peninsula and her French family name Le Lievre is a big part of the local history. In the early days, before Akaroa Dolphins was even a thought, husband Hugh was busy shearing sheep while Pip was busy being a school teacher. Today Hugh is busy watching cricket and rugby while Pip is busy doing everything that involves running the business. Look out for this caring woman, if you are lucky, she will hug you and tell you all about the town, the area, and their unique family history.


Hugh Waghorn

Founding owner, and almost retired skipper

Hugh looking very dapper at Akaroa Dolphins 2016 croquet themed Christmas party.

Hugh grew up in the small-town Darfield, a 45-minute drive from Christchurch. After travelling the world young Hugh found out that there is no better place to be than home, so he returned to the hills of Banks Peninsula where his family had been living for over a century. One day in a shearing shed he bumped into Pip and together they started life with family and farming – which many years later turned into a family and dolphin watching business.


Julia Waghorn

Part owner, head of sustainability & marketing

Julia and Pip Waghorn with baby Alice.

It was not on the cards that the son and daughter of Hugh and Pip Waghorn would join Akaroa Dolphins. Big sister Julia with a Bachelor of Design, majoring in visual communication, worked abroad for years in Sydney and London. From being very much a “big city girl” Julia is still some days surprised to find herself now enjoying the quiet family life in small-town Akaroa. While being the mother of two small girls, Julia has her skilled graphic design, marketing and social-media-understanding-fingers in everything that is going on behind the scenes in this family business. Maybe her quiet life in Akaroa is not so quiet after all…


George Waghorn

Part owner, skipper, and Mr Fix-It-All

George at the helm, in his happy place.

There is not a problem that George cannot fix. He is the mastermind behind Akaroa Dolphin’s brand-new vessel 'Akaroa Dolphin' and main skipper. George spent 12 years in the outback of Australia, working on cattle stations and in mines before returning home to Akaroa. George reads the sea like normal people drink tea, fluent, and easy. You are in for a treat if boating with George, he is not short of dad-jokes and he will proudly tell you everything about the town, his family, and the wildlife in his backyard - Akaroa harbour.


To learn more about all our team CLICK HERE!


Written by Emma Perrin & Julia Waghorn

Photos by Chalita Aommy Klumjui & Julia Waghorn 

For any media enquiries, media familiarisations, or to request brand assets to help promote Akaroa Dolphins including high-resolution photography, please email us at cruise@akaroadolphins.co.nz